Invited Speakers
Jeff Hammond - Intel, "Evaluating data parallelism in C++ programming models using the Parallel Research Kernels"
Simon McIntosh-Smith - University of Bristol, "Performance portability across diverse computer architectures"
Hal Finkel - Argonne National Laboratory, "LLVM and the Future of Compilers in DOE"
Michael Wolfe - Nvidia Corp, "Fortran Parallelism for Multicore and MultiGPU Programming"
Jeff Larkin - Nvidia Corp, "OpenACC, Performance Portability Delivered?"
Michael Wong - Codeplay Software Ltd., "SYCL Heterogeneous C++ and the Four horsemen of Heterogeneous Computing"
Tom Scogland - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "OpenMP 5.0 for Accelerators and What Comes Next"
David Hollman - Sandia National Laboratories, "The Future of Parallelism and Concurrency in C++ and How It Relates to DOE Abstraction Layers"
Rene van Oostrum - AMD, "Porting GPU codes to AMD hardware using HIP"
CJ Newburn - Nvidia Corp., "Memory Management on Newer Platforms"
Christian Trott - Sandia National Laboratories, "The Kokkos EcoSystem: Performance, Portability and Productivity for Modern C++ Codes"
Rich Hornung - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Performance Portability with Umpire and RAJA"
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